Stand With Israel
Respond to the Needs that Matter
We know you are a friend of Israel. Right now, Israel is in the greatest fight it has had since 1948. This is the time to stand with Israel and the Jewish people against their enemies.
You can be a shining beacon of hope and bring encouragement to God’s Chosen People in New Zealand, in Israel and around the globe. Your gift will be used to save & protect lives, provide humanitarian relief in the most basic forms, and build bridges with the Jewish community in ways that foster solidarity and friendship. From medical supplies to food distribution, from clothing to bomb shelters, from fear, loss and hopelessness to security and eternal hope—you are shining a light in the darkness in Israel and beyond.
Since 1938, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry has been ministering to the Jewish people, in Christian love, around the world. Today is no different. Reaching more than 18 countries, especially Israel, The Friends of Israel is proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while bringing physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people.
Join us and stand with Israel today.
Aliyah Return Fund
Help a Jewish Person Return Home:
As updates persist around the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Israel is preparing for an influx of Jewish people returning to the Land. You can be part of God’s plan to rescue the Jewish people and bring them home, find safety, help them learn Hebrew, receive job training, and integrate into Israeli society.
Lawry's Support
Simon is engaged in full time Ministry for FOI in New Zealand and Australia. He and wife Jo share a love for Israel, host Israeli travellers and take tours to Israel. Simon speaks in churches and is trustee of FOI-NZ. Your support contributes to the work in developing the NZ mission and proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah and sharing the comforting hope of the gospel to Jews and Gentiles alike.
Israel Relief Fund
Your gift to Israel support directly supports work on the ground in Israel. Whether it is physical or spiritual we have a number of strategic projects that make a real difference for the Jewish people. These include bomb shelters to protect from rockets fired from Gaza, fire equipment and Ambulances. And spiritually, we partner with those that are sharing the good news at every opportunity under difficult conditions.
Become a Financial Partner
The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry is prayerfully seeking more financial partners who share a love for biblical truth and a have a heart to bring comfort to the Jewish people. If you would like to partner with us then let us know by clicking on the link below to our online partnership form.
Why become a Financial Partner with The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry (NZ)
We are committed to the proclamation of biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah.
We are committed to bringing comfort to Israel and the Jewish people, both physically through strategic needs both in Israel and around the world, as well as spiritually by sharing the hope of Messiah.
We are committed to the local Church through bible teaching and providing biblical resources that help believers grow and understand God's redemptive plan for Israel.
We are committed to a literal, historical, grammatical interpretation of the Bible.
We are committed to the rejection of antisemitism in all forms. We also stand against replacement theology which has become most prevalent throughout the church today.