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God has given our mission in New Zealand an amazing opportunity to bless the Jewish people!

Simon Lawry restarted 'Meet at the Mountain' in the central North Island following a hiatus during Covid. With uncertainty about the number of Israelis in the country it was great to host 39 young travellers over the 24 days. Most stayed multiple days resulting in some unique conversations and long lasting relationships. Read on for a snippet of what took place in March.

“Stopping what she was doing, straightening up and looking him squarely in the eyes nervously she replied, “Have you heard about the Shoah?”.”

Simon asked "S" as they worked alongside in the kitchen preparing Shabbat dinner and chatting, "Do you believe in God?" Stopping what she was doing, straightening up and looking him squarely in the eyes nervously she replied, "Have you heard about the Shoah?". The 'Shoah' (lit. catastrophe) refers to the Holocaust for which most of these young irreligious Jews are ancestors of survivors who vowed never to trust God again, or at least never to give due attention to Him. The amazing thing is that these young people are very open to talking about spiritual things and often eager to learn more about what the Bible teaches. They also warmly invite us to their homes if we visit Israel with the genuine hope we will take up their offer. The conversation with "S" of course continued in a warm and respectful way as Simon shared about the condition of the human heart and the loving kindness (Hesed) of God. Listen to the sweet words of gratitude "S" wrote in the guest book after their stay. "Thank you very much for the wonderful hospitality, we had a feeling of home. We loved the interesting conversation and the delicious Friday dinner. We will miss (sic) We would love for you to come and visit Kibbutz Revivim in the Negev. Thanks for everything! Nothing is taken for granted. S & N"

Questions are common in conversation and it is a privilege to engage with young adults who want to know more about life and God.

One of the first questions within an hour of meeting the first young married couple (both Doctors) was, "Why do christians meet on the first day of the week?" What! Where did that question come from? What an open door to speak about the ministry of Yeshua.

'R' asked, "Is it true that Yeshua will come on a white donkey?" This gave reason to open the Scriptures to the prophecies that speak of both the first and second advents of Christ. We see that Jesus was presented on a donkey on His first visit but will return riding a white horse. This was very interesting for 'R' who was so eager to learn & talk more and grateful to have this question clarified for him.

'Y' stayed with us during the Jewish feast of Purim. Around the bonfire we sang songs and he especially liked to sing Psalms but interestingly "Y" declared he didn't believe in God and as we sat and talked until 1am it was clear that he could only believe in God if He provided a clear sign to reveal Himself. As Simon shared of God's revelation even including the miracle of the Jewish people 'Y' could only conclude that it would only be possible to believe in God by faith for which he didn't have. Would you pray that "Y" will have the faith to believe in God and through His Son. 'R' however was deeply interested to know more and he accepted a Hebrew NT to read on his travels.

Please join us in prayer as we prepare for another season of Meet at the Mountain early in 2024.

We need your help to continue the incredible opportunity God has given us to bless these young Israeli travellers. Will you consider becoming a regular financial partner of this work in NZ?

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